Learn in private for faster results and safer learning
We offer the option for students to schedule private classes between just them and any of our Instructors.
Their are many benefits to one on one training including: more attention, focus on your specific needs, faster learning, less distractions and a safer environment.
For Families we also offer private family classes. It will just be you and your family members training together.

When you are working by yourself with an Instructor you will be working on exactly what you need to progress. No worrying about other people's curriculum or waiting to use a piece of equipment.
Together you and an Instructor can often increase your learning rate by 3 times that of a normal class.

Without other people in the class your instructor can watch your technique carefully to make sure to reduce the chances of Injury.
Another way that safety is increased is by having time to slow your pace down and take all the time and attention you need to make sure everything is correct.